

Growing and Evolving Into Light, Love and Peace
Unconditional Acceptance Of Self and All Life
Using Discernment Instead Of Judgement

As you consult your chart day by day, month by month, you become aware of how your situation, moods, family life, love life, etc. follow ever-changing patterns which correspond to the cycles. With awareness and application of the information found in this package, you will be able to increase your ability to penetrate and understand the events and situations you find yourself in. This takes time. You have to watch the now moment in order to get the knowledge from experience; then you can analysis the past carefully. Once you have tuned into how each planet represents different energies or vibrations, your insight will have increased. You will have and be developing intuition about your own life, enabling you to see, understand and therefore avoid negative situations and seize positive opportunities. You will have developed a deeper and clearer vision to spot the difference between the two when presented.

The greater your insight into events the greater your awareness and consciousness. The inner self is the most important aspect of yourself to have insight into. You will find everyone and everything else by finding your true self. The true self is only found and experienced by living totally in the here and now.

This On Line Cycle System is Astronomical technology that helps you transform yourself by increasing your awareness. Thus adding Knowledge and Wisdom

As you go through the cycles in your life, you will have to make internal adjustments in order to successfully meet challenges. The challenges and changes will be both internal and external, but as you make more and more right decisions in your life, you encourage the process of spiritual growth and transformation. There is no end to the possibilities for growth. Each right decision is a step along the path to enlightenment.

Unconditional Love of the self will open up
The Heart felt Wisdom and Knowledge within

This Cycle System is for self transformation. It really assists you in accomplishing this goal. Remember, no Method is useful when it is left in the corner gathering dust and rust.

In order to get the most out of The Online Cycle System, you should consult it frequently, and spend a few minutes thinking about the cycle write-ups and how they relate to events taking place in your life. Soon you will find yourself gaining insight into your relationships, your health, your emotions and attitudes. You will be better prepared to withstand the difficult times, as well as to take proper advantage of opportunities. Your life in general will improve, and your growth will serve as an inspirational example to those around you.

Destiny is not a Matter of Chance
It is a Matter of Choice

The more you use it the more useful it becomes. There is a learning curve only gained by experience. The supplied text for each cycle, give your the hints and clues, of what to watch for so you can experience it yourself while it is happening. The text comes alive quite nicely when experiencing the energy. May take a few tries to see one and after a while of watching and learning you will see them all. Maybe only a smile, a song or a hello or it could also be something major.

You are Very Welcome to use the free readings all you want. With a little time and a fairly accurate birth time you will see that it works. Then you can decide if you would like access to them all.

The Readings tell you what energy and when to expect it, all you have to do is watch and experience it during the course of your normal day and have fun learning. These cycles are normal events in our lives and we all get them sooner or later; then they repeat themselves. Every cycle is still unique and one of a kind, because all the planets in the heavens are arranged differently, thus creating a different cake mix on a continual bases.

Everyone's Birth pattern remains the same, but the sky is unique every day and every moment.

One can do a much better dance through Life when you know. When you watch them all including the moon it gets real funny and creative. But you have to start with just the strong ones as to watch to many will get confusing and overwhelming

For Some this system works Great, so they gain and they EnJoy it
For some it works somewhat but it doesn't really suit them
For some it doesn't work at all. This is perfectly ok

The more accurate your Birth Time
the More Benefits there are

If it doesn't Benefit you in a tangible way ...
then there are no benefits

Cycle Introduction | Benefits | Awareness | Perspective | Free Choice | Prediction
Reading Support | The Planets | The Dates | The Angles | Birth Times
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