

Subscribing to AstroReadings helps you to have a better look at what is influencing your life. You can run the three-year overview and have a good look all your Major Cycles, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn make up the Major cycles. They last the longest.

Once you have a good handle on the Major influences, you can look at where and when the Intermediate cycles come into play. The intermediate cycles are made up of Jupiter and Mars.

It is advantages to know all your minor cycles close to the dates when any of the major cycles are the strongest. These minor cycles really add themselves to the mix when the major cycles are strongest.

You can also look at all your Moon cycles. The Moon is fast moving and we all usually have quite a few occurring each day. The Moon cycles can tell how and when the mood of the day will be swinging. Combined with other cycles, gives you a clearer picture of the pluses and minuses for the day.

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  • You can store up to 10 per account
  • Full access to all of your cycles
  • Access to all your Lunar (Moon) cycles
  • Access to all five categories
    • Major cycles, 3 year overview
    • Major and intermediate cycles 60 days
    • Major intermediate minor cycles - 30 days
    • All cycles & strong moon cycles - 30 days
    • All the cycles & all Moon cycles - 30 days
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