

Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune / Pluto

All 10 planets circle around your chart
at their own rate and dance in and out
of the limelight of your life.

Astrologically, they can be broken down into three categories.

Major Cycles

Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto cycles last the longest, and are usually felt the most. They are some of the major influences, usually for a year. I've seen that sometimes they last 5, 10 and once in a blue moon...over 20! years.

The cycles of the outer three planets, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus have a strong effect even on easy angles. It comes...with a softer touch. They seem to be very powerful planets at this time in history. They represent the collective unconscious and always seem to draw a crowd into the situations they create for you to grow through. Saturn is really only strong on hard angles that have more than one pass to the cycle.

These Major Cycles often overshadow any Minor ones going on at the same time, or at the very least they colour your responses to the lesser cycles. They also tend to have a lasting influence on your life, because the changes which occur during them are often quite important - so important, in fact, that they may gather and fashion major turning points. Any of these planets in conjunction, opposition or square angles to a planet in your birth or progressed chart, usually, have a strong influence. The 60 and 120 are easier influences, so, things tend to go well, in a easy flow.

Intermediate Cycles

Mars and Jupiter don't last long, compared to the Major cycles, but can still have a strong influence.

Mars cycles usually lasts one or two days. When a Mars cycle sits in it's station, the cycle will last for about three weeks. It is now more like a major cycle.

Jupiter, being slower than Mars usually last ten days to a week, strong for about 3 to 5 days. When a Jupiter cycle sits in it's station, the cycle will last for about two Months. It is now more like a major cycle.

Some Saturn cycles can also fall in this group as they don't last long either, but, the majority have three passes and influence your life for a year.

Minor Cycles

Sun, Mercury and Venus are the swiftest moving planets, and can be timed to within minutes of their occurrence. The influence last approximately one day; and are strong only for the morning, afternoon, evening or night. They can be compared to the second hand of a clock. Sometimes Mercury and Venus cycles last longer and in this case their influence increases. These cycles are over shadowed by the major cycles in effect at the time. Also; they lessen or increase the Major cycle's impact, depending on compatibility with the Major cycle. When a minor cycle occurs very close to the same time as a major cycle's strongest day, it can indicate the time when the main event will occur.

Once in a while have a big impact. Even the Moon, swiftest of all, lasting an hour, can have a major impact!.....Now and then.

Cycle Calculations

There is a simple formula that I will use to help keep it all in proper perspective, as to the number of cycles we all go through. We'll take 12 places (10 Planets 2 angles) in a Birth Chart, and take only 5 (Planets) in the Progressed Chart, for a total of 17. Any of the Planets will make 8 Inharmonious and 8 Harmonious angles during one complete revolution around a chart. {8 X 17 = 136}
This is only an approximation to give you an idea. So if you have a nasty Saturn cycle, you know that we all have one on an average of 2 a year. Sometimes we get 3 or 4 one year and none the next. It all depends on how the planets were placed when you were born. Some cycles are stronger than others because the planet it is influencing is strongly placed within your chart.....there are also many other reasons also.

Planet 1 complete
Inharmonious OR Harmonious
Cycles in one Year
Conjunction + Opposition
Cycles in one Year
The SunOne Year13668
The Moon28 days136 X (365/28)= 1772886
MercuryOne Year13668
VenusOne Year13668
Mars2 Years136 / 2 = 6834
Jupiter12 Years136 / 12 = 11.35.6
Saturn28 Years136 / 28 = 4.852.4
Uranus84 Years136 / 84 = 1.6.8 or 1 a year
Neptune156 Years136 / 164 = .833 every 4 years
Pluto248 Years136 /248 = .541 every 4 years

Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune / Pluto

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