

If you were to look at the sky and calculate the positions of all the planets for this very moment, they would each be occupying a position in one of the Signs. Maybe the Moon would be rising at this exact moment. Mercury, may be at 12 degrees Libra, Mid Leo may be rising, etc.

The same is true for the exact moment of your birth. All the Planets were in a certain position. These positions can be easily and accurately calculated by a computer program.

If you take the positions of the Planets right now and compare them to the positions they were in when you were born, you would find that some of the Planets currently in the sky would be making exact, or close to exact, angles of 0, 60, 90, 120 or 180 degrees to the positions of the Planets when you were born.

These calculations can then be interpreted according to the energy symbolized by the angle between the Current Planet, interacting with the energy symbolized by Birth Planet.

Some of theses interactions are friendly, others are like enemies and some are neutral towards each other.

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