

The write-ups in this Cycle System are not predictions, nor are they intended to advise you on decision-making. Instead, they are explanations of how you can expect the energy of each planetary cycle to affect the way you think and feel on a given day and descriptions of the sorts of events which may take place. The write-ups suggest ways to deal with these energies, but what you do is entirely up to you. Astrology makes your choices clearer, it does not make them for you.

Making predictions implies that people are incapable of learning and changing, that their efforts to improve themselves and their situations are powerless to alter a fate ordained, symbolized by the positions of certain planets. Predictions may also imply that once a choice has been made, we are unable to change the course of our destiny by making another decision, or that the planets pull and push us in any direction and allow no further alterations. Nothing could be further from the truth If you don't like the situation you find yourself in ... choose again. This is a Free Will zone, so we can allow ourselves to use our Free Will.

There are only two root energies

Fear ... distorts our vision
and leads to anger,
then violence

Love ... leads to clarity of vision

It is also true that, we are in control of a small percentage of what happens to us. Other people and our total environment have a tremendous effect upon our individual lives. The real choice though is in our attitude and mental thinking. The more we apply the truths of the universal laws, the better we fair through any situation regardless of it's outcome. We have inner peace, contentment and serenity. Remember, pure LOVE conquers all negativity and melts all coldness.

It will take time and thought on your part, to determine just how much effect certain cycles have on you. The write-ups only describe the cycles themselves, not how they relate to or are affected by other cycles which may be going on at the same time. Nor do they take into account the aspects of your natal chart which could influence the way in which you experience the cycle. You will come to know yourself much better if you make careful observations of the cycles, and how they affect you from day to day.

Much depends on the individual when we try to determine how someone will be effected by the cycles. Each person starts out with his own unique cosmic pattern etched into his spirit. Living and learning gradually erode away the rough edges which make us susceptible to the inner storms caused by fluctuating energy patterns during the cycles. Thus a highly developed person will scarcely be aware of the negativity within the cycles at all, as it will cease to have much effect on him.

Paramahansa Yogananda once challenged any astrologer to determine the most difficult times for him to accomplish certain tasks. The astrologers did so and the great yogi, because he had achieved such a high degree of serenity and detachment, reached every goal set for him during the least favorable cycles for doing so. He admitted that the tasks had not been as easy for him as they would have been at other times, but he succeeded in proving that the stars do not have a complete control over our fate; they only persuade and push.

Cycles don't determine what is going to happen in your life; they only propel you towards possibilities. Consciousness and Awareness gives you the choice as to what can actually happen. You can exert more control over your destiny and life if you increase your awareness and consciousness.

Again the write-ups are not predicting the future.

They describe future possibilities and probabilities, depending on the type and strength of the particular cycle. Furthermore, you always have a choice in the outcome of any situation. For instance, if a write-up for a certain cycle informs you that there is a possibility that your marriage or other close relationship will break up, you should not assume that divorce is inevitable. The write-up is only telling you that this is a time when your marriage will undergo stress; so much stress that if the relationship was barely hanging together before the cycle, it may not be able to withstand this crisis unless superhuman energy is applied. An enduring, healthy relationship however, will make it through the cycle, and perhaps end up even stronger as a result of the testing and cooperative changes made.

You have to control your own life to be a Master over your own condition and your own body. You don't want anyone controlling you and you must not control others. When you tune into the energy cycles occurring in your life at any given time, you'll know several things. You'll know when the energy is around, have a good idea as to the type of energy, how it can manifest, and therefore its potential. You will also know what you want and don't want in life, to a greater or lesser degree as the case may be. You may also know in what area of your life this energy is likely to manifest.

These are the ways that this Cycle System can help you increase control over your own life. The cycles and their timings increase your awareness of what might happen and increase your insight in order to continue along the pathway of your choice, in a positive and creative manner. You can also choose a negative pathway and pursue power over others at their expense. If you choose total control over yourself, you must also accept total responsibility; they go hand in hand. The foreknowledge obtained from this package can help you take more control with positive and concrete decisions. The direction is your own choice.
There are only two roads to choose from ... Love or Fear

We all have and create our own problems in life. Let us imagine that you are experiencing a difficult Saturn cycle like Saturn Conjunct Sun. Because Saturn restricts and restrains, you will experience frustration, depression, narrow mindedness, corruption and hardship at every turn on the job. You have a choice! You can either get angry, and let your work habits keep slipping, with the end result of having authority fire you, justifiably. Or you can also take the opportunity to increase and practice disciplines of patience, stability, humility, calmness, sacrifice, self-control, purification and reliability while working through the problems of adverse work conditions, during the cycle. Thus, you don't get fired and gain greater honour and respect as an end result. This will give you a better work record, enormously increasing your potential of a better job with a higher income, than if you allow the negative emotions to rule your life. If you do end up getting fired anyway, you will have gained strength and self worth within yourself. You can then walk away knowing that you did your best. If you don't make any mistakes, you won't have any regrets. Pain is unavoidable but suffering is.

After all, you can walk away from any situation that you don't like, leaving it totally behind you. But you have to take yourself...where ever you may go.

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