

Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune / Pluto

Because the Moon goes around the Ecliptic so fast, She is not very influential during cycles, which usually lasts about an hour, with a fifteen minute center. Mostly, Moon cycles signify the small events during the day like a nice hello, a smile or maybe a favorite song.

The Moon cycles basically represent the changing moods during the day. You can spot if the morning will be more pleasant than the evening, or visa versa. The afternoon may be a little depressing, or a little anger in the air, all depending on what planet the Moon is effecting. I find by checking them, I get the drift of the day.

Once in a while a Moon cycle comes as strong as any major cycle, but I have never discovered how to spot the potent and powerful ones from the usual.

Sometimes, it acts as the trigger for a stronger cycle that is very close to it the midpoint in it's cycle.

The Moon effects your emotions and how you feel. Rarely does in produce an external event

Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars / Jupiter / Saturn / Uranus / Neptune / Pluto

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